Challenge Rules

9 week challenge - January 23 - March 25

Each participant contributes $20 to the Prize Pot.

4 Point Categories: exercise, challenge participation, weight loss challenge & Blog participation.

Exercise: You will receive 1 point for every 30 minutes of exercise for up to 5 hours. Anyone who completes 5 hours will receive 15 points. No extra points will be awarded for hours over 5. Exercise should be intentional and challenging.

Weekly Challenge Participation: You will receive 1 point for each day you complete the weekly challenge. If you complete every day of the week you will receive 10 points. (weekly challenges are listed on the right)

Weight Challenge: If you maintain your weight for the week you get 5 points. If you lose any weight for the week you get 8 points.

This challenge is about more than weight loss, we want the focus to be on creating good habits and feeling healthy. But we recognize that some of you may desire to lose weight and you should be rewarded with additional points.

Blog Participation: You will receive 5 points for each week that you post an update, thoughts or motivation on the blog. Setting goals works best when you have people to share with and report to, use the blog as a way to motivate and encourage each other.

Make up Points: If you miss a day of the weekly challenge you can earn 4 make up points. If you do the challenge from the previous week, every day for the current week, you can get 4 bonus points. You must do the previous weeks challenge in addition to the current week and do it perfectly to earn the 4 points. You are only eligible for the bonus points if you missed a day from the previous week, you cannot have a perfect week and keep doing the previous weeks challenge to earn 4 additional points.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happy Oreo Day!

Today is the 100th birthday of the oreo cookie. Do you know how badly I want an oreo? This challenge is KILLING me! (And could I be any whinier??) I vacillated back and forth about whether or not I was actually going to do this. I finally concluded that I have done it every week and I would be such a wimp if I didn't at least attempt to do this challenge.

I have felt better. I am no longer eating Hershey's mini kisses for lunch or a piece of cake for breakfast. I have to have a little treat every day though (except during the non-sugar weeks, of course). I've found that if I allow myself to do that, I am far less likely to binge on the weekends. I'm on my way to achieving that balance that motivated me to even do this in the first place. But sometimes it is a daily struggle. I think because I even considered sitting this week out, I'm not on my mental game. I'm going to try and conquer that!

The stress levels around my house are running high right now. We are under contract to buy a house in West Kaysville. We close a week from Friday. Plus we are trying to sell our current home. I really need some chocolate! And when I saw that today is the anniversary of the oreo cookie, well that just made my mind think about oreos. Double stuff. Golden. Mmmmm. I'm going to stop.

We have a birthday party for my niece this week, and Sunday dinner at my parents' house. Both are going to be huge temptations for me to cheat. I can do this, right? It would be so lame of me to have worked so hard this whole time only to be taken down by the most difficult challenge yet. Hopefully all of you have more willpower than I do at this point! Good luck!


  1. I feel your pain. Add to Oreo day that my Girl Scout Cookies came last Friday as well. I put a couple cookies aside for next week and put the rest out at work for others to eat.

    This is a tough challenge and yes you can do it. But if you do slip up a day don't beat yourself up. Think of all the other great things you have done and focus on the positive.

  2. You are doing great! You can do this. I have made a wonderful discovery at Smiths. In our Smith's in Farmington, they have a bulk food section. They have some naturally sweetened yummies like m&m like candies and malted milk balls. Wow! Who knew? If you need a treat try one of those or something else that is naturally sweet. It helps to not feel like you are missing out!
