Challenge Rules

9 week challenge - January 23 - March 25

Each participant contributes $20 to the Prize Pot.

4 Point Categories: exercise, challenge participation, weight loss challenge & Blog participation.

Exercise: You will receive 1 point for every 30 minutes of exercise for up to 5 hours. Anyone who completes 5 hours will receive 15 points. No extra points will be awarded for hours over 5. Exercise should be intentional and challenging.

Weekly Challenge Participation: You will receive 1 point for each day you complete the weekly challenge. If you complete every day of the week you will receive 10 points. (weekly challenges are listed on the right)

Weight Challenge: If you maintain your weight for the week you get 5 points. If you lose any weight for the week you get 8 points.

This challenge is about more than weight loss, we want the focus to be on creating good habits and feeling healthy. But we recognize that some of you may desire to lose weight and you should be rewarded with additional points.

Blog Participation: You will receive 5 points for each week that you post an update, thoughts or motivation on the blog. Setting goals works best when you have people to share with and report to, use the blog as a way to motivate and encourage each other.

Make up Points: If you miss a day of the weekly challenge you can earn 4 make up points. If you do the challenge from the previous week, every day for the current week, you can get 4 bonus points. You must do the previous weeks challenge in addition to the current week and do it perfectly to earn the 4 points. You are only eligible for the bonus points if you missed a day from the previous week, you cannot have a perfect week and keep doing the previous weeks challenge to earn 4 additional points.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What saved me today...

For those of you who are struggling like me with this is what saved me today...100% orange juice popsicles! Just mix up a batch of 100% juice and freeze them into popsicles. It was a great treat!

I also made some whole wheat french bread and ate it with real butter and honey on it. Yum. I got the recipe from the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook and just substituted whole wheat flour for the white stuff.

French Bread:

4-5 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 Tbs. active dry yeast
2 cups warm water

Combine 2 cups of flour with salt and yeast. Add the water and mix until blended, scraping the sides constantly. Then mix for 3 minutes. Gradually add remaining flour until dough is no longer sticky.

Raise in a warm area until double in size.

Punch down dough, divide in half and let rest for 10 minutes.

Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray and sprinkle cornmeal lightly on it. Shape the dough into long french bread loaves. Cover and let raise until double in size.

Cut diagonal lines into bread, if desired. Bake at 375 for 20 minutes. Take out of oven and butter the tops. Return to oven and bake 15 minutes longer. Butter tops again when finished.

It's yummiest fresh out of the oven.
2 cups warm water

3 days down! We can do this! Thanks for all the encouraging words and great recipes!

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